Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More Junk on TV?

After buying iFilm only a month ago, MTV Networks has unveiled plans for a new show to run on VH1 called Web Junk hosted by Patrice O'Neal. A retro way of looking at it would be to call it the next generation of Americas Funniest Videos. God knows, the American public never tires of laughing at others meet with disaster, and I'm sure this type of footage will show up, but, really the web-based interactive nature of the show is the opening shot of a whole new world of user-generated content infiltrating television.

In ten years the distinction between internet and TV will be so seamless, we'll know it only in memory. Memories of the old days when art and entertainment came at us from "professionals" and we absorbed, like good little drones will be replaced by interactive platforms. Right now, the shorts uploaded onto iFilms will show on three platforms: TV, the iFilm website, and VSpot, which is a broadband platform also owned by MTV.

I'm not quite sure what VSpot is or what it offers that the other two platforms don't, apparently, an on-demand feature that TV doesn't have, but better speed than you'll get through the website. It seems like for the next few years, at least, we'll have to deal with this patchwork quilt of disseminators, or actually, they are now referring to themselves as aggregators... it's better than what they used to be... aggravators. While the small music files screeching across the internet overturned business models and content in the space of a year, it will take longer with film. For now, don't even bother with your feature films, focus on three minute shorts and get yourself some visibility.

Web Junk promises an easy upload feature, so break out your camcorder and Final Cut Pro, make your three-minute statement and watch it on TV, internet and the VSpot streaming option. You don't have to think of movies only in terms of sitting in theaters anymore, or even in terms of sitting at all. Soon, we'll all be watching each other, not only on reality TV, but reality life.... only this time, with special effects. And don't forget to vote for your favorites... our next Steven Speilberg might be Kelly Clarkson.


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