Monday, November 21, 2005

Movielink Inks Fox

Movielink is a website that allows you to buy or rent major, and some indie films, directly online, assuming you have broadband and a PC. The company is a joint venture between MGM, Paramount, Sony, Universal & Warner Bros., and has non-exclusive agreements with Disney & Miramax, among others. The addition of Fox today establishes Movielink as the company to watch in terms of VOD online. Looks like the studios have learned a lesson from the music industry; offer your product online, or we’ll do it for you.

I can’t tell you much about the operation of the service. As soon as I clicked on the site I was immediately fed a default screen that said, basically, screw you Mac user, stick to your iPod cause all you’re getting is Lost and other Disney fare, and even that only as long as Pixar & Disney stay in contract.

Also, the price points are still way too high here. For god’s sake, you’re not making disks or distributing them, how long do we have to support these seven figure corporate salaries to get content here?

The internet is not paying out on democratization yet. We’re seeing it marred by the same big business domination as every other medium. I do think that will change. Studies show that 26% of teens are producing content online, 76% are blogging. These kids have grown up looking for content through internet search, they do it naturally. They don’t need to be spoonfed, like their parents. I’m sure Movielink will do well, I hope so, it’s a step in the right direction.


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